
Power of Blogs

Think Progress demonstrates why blogs are good for our country.

CNN'’s Ed Henry at the White House:

HENRY: Scott, on Friday the president firmly said he believes the national anthem should be sung in English. Kevin Phillips, the Republican analyst, wrote a book called American Dynasty. And in there, he claims that, during the president'’s 2000 campaign, he did sing The Star Spangled Banner in Spanish at some Hispanic festivals, various campaign events.

Are you aware that you recall that from the 2000 campaign?

MCCLELLAN: No, I don't.

HENRY: Do you think that that would be counter to what the president laid out on Friday?

MCCLELLAN: I don't recall that, and I'’m not going to try and speculate on something I haven'’t looked into.
That went from a commenter at Think Progress to a question at the White House in about three hours. That's influence, baby.

Also note: It's ok to sing the Anthem in Spanish if you're a Republican pandering to a voting block, but bad if you're a member of that voting block. Gotcha.

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