
We Will Now Mandate Your Freedom Symbol.

Via azCentral.com, the AP is reporting on a bill requiring the flag in all classrooms, public and private, Kindergarten through Post Graduate, in the state of Arizona.

The bill was sponsored by Russell Pearce, R-Mesa, and has been approved by The state House Committee on Universities, Community Colleges and Technology. It now goes to the House Appropriations committee - which Pearce leads - for approval before moving to the House floor for a vote.

The bill would require an American Made U.S. Flag at least 2' by 3' be displayed in every classroom. Why, you might ask, is Rep. Pearce serving up this feast for the flag manufacturers? "To raise the level of patriotism that has been steadily declining over the years," of course.

"We live in a time when we need to recognize our heritage," he said Tuesday during the committee hearing. "The flag is a symbol of freedom, and we need to protect that."

It seems that with all the problems facing Arizona and the rest of the United States, Rep. Pearce is concerned that not every classroom has a "symbol of freedom" hanging on the wall and in the spirit of freedom, he will require school districts to raise taxes for residents to meet the requirements of patriotism the government demands.

Credit to the AP writer for providing a counter point.

"Rep. Ted Downing, D-Tucson, was concerned the bill was not the best way to convey a sense on civic pride to the public.

"This is not the proper way to bestow patriotism," he said. "If we want we should spend more on teaching American history."

How typical of Republicans. All they want is symbols where Democrats want understanding.

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