
Spying on Pacifists

Via Rawstory:

Documents released today by the American Civil Liberties Union reveal that the Federal Bureau of Investigations has indeed monitored political groups solely on the basis that they opposed a U.S.-led war.

According to a memo written in 2002, the FBI launched a classified investigation into the activities of Pittsburgh's Thomas Merton Center after becoming concerned that the group held "daily leaflet distribution activities in downtown Pittsburgh and [was] currently focused on its opposition to the potential war on Iraq." The memo aimed to summarize the investigation's results.

It identifies the group as "a left-wing organization advocating, among many political causes, pacifism."
That's all it takes to get an FBI file. Just oppose a U.S. led war. Well, luckily for the guys at the FBI, all the 'incriminating' evidence they need to start my file is posted right here. Accessible from their desks at the office.

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