
Pray for Him? How about Pray for Us?

The Gossip column of they NY Daily News:

Just how bad are things for President Bush?

Pretty bad, I'd say, if even Clarence Thomas is worried about him.

The other night at a Washington book party for the President's sister, Doro Bush Koch, the Supreme Court justice arrived with his wife, Ginny, on the tented roof of the Hay Adams Hotel, overlooking the White House, and made a beeline for the author.

"We have to pray for your brother. He's in real trouble," Thomas told a wide-eyed Koch, whose older brother is, indeed, suffering from near-catastrophic public-opinion ratings.
Emphasis mine. Now, granted, this is coming from the gossip column, but I'm inclined to say that Supreme Court Justices shouldn't be cavorting around with the President's sister, exhorting anybody who will listen to pray with him for a politician.

I'm also inclined to say 'screw the President, pray for what's left of America.' But that's just me.

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