
Friday Link Dump

Via the AP, Delay supporters rough up grandma just to feel better bout themselves:

"I got pushed. I got hit. I got a sign wadded up in my face and my hat pulled down over my eyes," said Marsha Rovai, 69, a supporter of Nick Lampson. "They just did it to be nasty."
Seriously, you're picking on a 69 year old? Come try that on me...

52 Killed in Mosque blast in Iraq. What Civil War? I don't see a Civil War...

Bush Numbers Watch: Approval - 36%. Approval of GOP-lead Congress - 30%.
Bush's approval rating is down 12 points among Republicans since a year ago. Six-in-10 Republicans said they disapproved of the GOP-led Congress.
Another punishing body blow to the Conservative Majority Myth...

Was that a bi-partisan immigration bill or energy bill? Come on George, speak up...

And finally, an elementary school teacher was arrested by Homeland Security officers infront of his students for asking them to move their car so that School Buses could pull out. The officers were lost and had pulled over to look at a map. Feeling safer yet?

1 comment:

Caran said...

yeah. they pick on teachers, but they don't know they have a kiddie porn guy in their midst. good work, homeland security