
Gonzales' Firm Stand on Torture

From Think Progress:
Alberto Gonzales, 12/8/05:

[W]ith respect to torture, the question is easy: We do not torture. The U.S. policy -— not only is it policy, it is the law. We have a domestic law, domestic legal prohibition. We have an international prohibition against torture. For this president, his position has been consistent all the way through with respect to torture. United States policy and our legal obligations are no torture.
Alberto Gonzales, in The Guardian, today:
We do not render individuals where we believe it's more likely than not that they will be tortured.
MORE LIKELY THAN NOT? If you had asked me 5 years ago whether the use of torture by Americans would be a campaign issue, I would have laughed in your face. The degree to which thecretinsins have destroyed my nation's credibility in the international community is astounding.

There was a time when, even if a Frenchman or an Indian or a Kenyan disagreed with the policy of the United States, there was an understanding that America was on the side of Human Rights, Peace, Freedom, and working for the advancement of all people. This is no longer true. The sad thing is, even if that level of good will is reached again, (I doubt it) it certainly won't be within my lifetime. To many people in my generation, all around the world, have watched what Bush and his Republicanist, sycophantic Congress have done.

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